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Krsna Slava Celebration With Bishop Maxim

Written by Fr. Vido, St. Archangel Michael Church, Saratoga, CA.

On Saturday, Aug 26, the First Serbian Benevolent Society gathered faithfully around our Hierarch Bishop Maxim and the local Clergy at the occasion of the Slava of the Benevolent Society and the Cemetery chapel. Many members came to celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the Most of Holy Theotokos. His Grace Bishop Maxim said in His inspirational sermon that it was not by chance, or randomly, that the founder members of the Society decided to celebrate the Dormition of the Virgin Mary as their Slava. It is because the Mother of God offered herself and all the best that human mankind could possibly offer to God in her person. Her Dormition is a blessing for all of us, who will eventually Fall asleep in the Lord. By celebrating the Theotokos we celebrate Her Son and God Jesus Christ, who is the Redemeer and Savior of the world, therefore we believe and trust in Him to be saved by His Grace and Mercy, when He comes again in His Glory. Bishop Maxim blessed the Slava Kolach and turned it with the Society members and inovked the blessing of the Holy Virgin Mary onto the FSBS Society members and also prayed for the deceased Society members. The responses were sung by the San Francisco church choir. Many guests from Saratoga, SFO, and Moraga attended the Slava. Among the distinguished lifetime Society members were Milorad Miko Golubovich, Ron Radakovich, Vojo Sredanovich, Ted Miljevich, Will Ivancovich, Rocky and Zach Antovich, Paul Vuksich, Ron Mucovich, and others. Protinica Ljiljana Bunjevich was also attending with her son Pavle. She remembered that her beloved late husband Prota Dusan celebrated His first Slava in Colma 59 years ago. The Society invited all guests for a delicious Slava lunch organized by the Slava organization committee which was led by Ted Miljevich. It was a very beautiful and dignified Slava. President Branko Perazich thanked His Grace Bp, Maxim and the clergy for the beautiful Liturgy and all in attendance for their coming. May God God bless the First Serbian Benevolent Society through the intercession of the Most of Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary! Mnogaja ljeta!

Photos supplied by Fr. Vido

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The First Serbian Benevolent Society Is a fraternal organization focused on philanthropy, cultural outreach and the management of the Serbian Cemetery.


1801 Hillside Blvd,

Colma, CA 94014



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